Sunday, 10 January 2016
Dynamic English 89 | Anh Ngữ Sinh Động Bài 89
Ðây là Chương Trình Anh ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài 89. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học này quí vị sẽ gặp Ông Max và Cô Kathy là hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh ngữ Căn Bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và Văn Hóa Mỹ. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu
What’s Your Favorite Food? Bạn thích món ăn nào nhất?
Xin nghe mấy chữ khó sẽ gặp ở phần tới.
- Meat: thịt
- Fish: cá
- Swordfish: tên loại cá biển có mũi dài và nhọn như lưỡi kiếm; cá mũi kiếm.
- Beef: thịt bò; steak=thịt bò nướng
- What do you like to eat? bạn thích ăn món gì?
- This lesson focuses on likes and dislikes and on classifications: bài này chú trọng vào những điều mình thích hay không thích và các phân loại.
- A vegetarian: người cữ ăn thịt, người ăn chay. A meat eater=người ăn thịt.
Xin nghe phần phỏng vấn Maria Alvarez trước, sau đó, xin nghe rồi lập lại theo nhịp.
Max (voice over): Hi, I’m Max.Kathy (voice over): Hello. My name is Kathy.
Max and Kathy (voice over): Welcome to Dynamic English!
Larry: Today’s unit is What’s Your Favorite Food?
Kathy and Max talk about their favorite foods. Max likes meat, and Kathy is a vegetarian.
Kathy: Hi, Max. What’s up?
Max: Not much. How are you doing?
Kathy: Pretty good.
Max: Who’s our guest today?
Kathy: Today’s guest is Maria Alvarez.
Max: She manages a clothing store, doesn’t she?
Kathy: That’s right. In San Jose, California.
Max: And what’s our topic for today?
Kathy: Today, we’re going to talk about food.
Max: Food? Good. I like to talk about food.
Kathy: OK, Max, what’s your favorite food? Max: I’m a meat eater. I like beef, especially steak. How about you, Kathy? What do you like to eat?
Kathy: Oh, I like fish, especially swordfish. Do you like fish, Max?
Max: No, I don’t like fish very much.
Kathy: Well, let’s take a short break, and then we’ll talk with our guest.
Language Focus: Repeat with a Beat. What’s your favorite food?
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Kathy: What’s your favorite food? (pause for repeat)
Max: Beef. (pause for repeat)
Max: I like beef, especially steak. (pause for repeat)
Max: What’s your favorite food? (pause for repeat)
Kathy: Fish. (pause for repeat)
Kathy: I like fish, especially swordfish. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, xin nghe đoạn Kathy hỏi Maria Alvarez xem cô thích món ăn nào nhất. Spaghetti=mì kiểu Ý có trộn sốt cà chua và thịt bầm, rắc phó mát.- Italian food: món ăn kiểu Ý.
- Pizza: bánh mì mềm nướng lò kiểu Ý trên mặt có bầy thịt xúc xích thái mỏng, hay thịt bầm và phó mát.
- Hamburger: món thịt bò nghiền nướng, kẹp giữa một cái bánh mì mềm tròn, gốc ở thành phố Hamburg bên Ðức
- Mexican food: món ăn kiểu Mễ Tây Cơ
- Enchilada: bánh đa cuộn nhân thịt hay phó mát; khi ăn chấm nước sốt cay (chili sauce).[Tiếng Spanish đọc âm d trong enchilada như âm th trong that]
- Taco: bánh đa ngô ròn, cuộn nhân thịt hay phó mát.
- Tamale: bánh ngô cuộn nhân thịt bầm, gói bằng áo ngô (corn husks) và hấp chín.
- A cook: người nấu bếp; to cook=nấu nướng; rice cooker=nồi cơm điện.
- I prefer my mother’s cooking: tôi thích món ăn do mẹ tôi nấu.
Interview: Maria Alvarez: What kinds of food do you like?Larry: Interview Maria talks about her favorite foods. Her favorite kind of food is Italian food.
Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview. Our guest today is Maria Alvarez.
Maria lives in San Jose, California. Hello, Maria.
Maria: Hello, Kathy. Nice to see you again.
Kathy: Today we’re going to talk about food. Maria, do you like American food?
Maria: American food?
Kathy: Yes. Steak, hamburgers, and so on.
Maria: Well, I like American food, but it’s not my favorite kind of food.
Kathy: What is your favorite kind of food?
Maria: Italian. I love Italian food.
Kathy: So you like spaghetti and pizza, right?
Maria: Oh, yes. I love pizza!
Kathy: How about Mexican food? Do you like Mexican food?
Maria: Yes, I do. My parents are both from Mexico. And they’re both excellent cooks.
Kathy: What do they cook?
Maria: Oh, they cook all kinds of Mexican food: enchiladas, tacos, tamales.
Kathy: How about you? Do you cook Mexican food?
Maria: Sure… but I prefer my mother’s cooking.
Kathy: Thank you, Maria. Our guest is Maria Alvarez. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và lập lại.CUT 3
Language Focus. Listen with Music. She likes Mexican food.Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: Does Maria like American food? (pause for repeat)
Max: Yes, she does, but it’s not her favorite. (pause for repeat)
Max: What’s her favorite kind of food? (pause for repeat)
Max: Her favorite kind of food is Italian food. (pause for repeat)
Max: What kinds of Italian food does she like? (pause for repeat)
Max: She likes spaghetti and pizza. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, ta nghe điện thư, e mail. I often go to Chinese restaurants with my friends=tôi thường cùng bạn đi ăn cơm Tầu.- She likes Chinese food very much: cô ấy thích ăn cơm Tầu lắm.
- Spicy: có nêm gia vị cay, như cà ri; hot=cay, như ớt.
- Indian food is pretty hot: món ăn kiểu Ấn Ðộ khá cay.
E mail: Do you like Chinese food?Larry: E mail
Kathy: Welcome back.
It’s time to check our e mail. We have an e mail from Deborah in Michigan. Her question is: Do you like Chinese food?
Maria: Yes, I do. I like Chinese food very much.
I often go to Chinese restaurants with my friends.
Kathy: What other kinds of food do you like?
Maria: I like Indian food.
Kathy: Indian food is pretty hot.
Maria: Do you mean, spicy hot?
Kathy: Yes. Spicy hot.
Maria: Oh, I like hot food.
Kathy: What kinds of food don’t you like?
Maria: Well, I don’t like Thai food.
Kathy: Why not?
Maria: Thai food is really hot! It’s too hot for me!
Kathy: OK, Maria, thank you for being with us again.
Maria: My pleasure. Thanks for having me on your show.
Kathy: Let’s take a short break.
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe rồi trả lời khi nghe tiếng chuông.Cut 5
Language Focus: Listen and answer.Larry: Listen and answer. Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: Does Maria like Chinese food? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Yes, she does. (short pause)
Max: She likes Chinese food. (short pause)
Max: Does Maria like hot food? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Yes, she does. (short pause)
Max: She likes hot food. (short pause)
Max: Does Maria like Thai food? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: No, she doesn’t. (short pause)
Max: Thai food is too hot for her. (short pause)
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần Ðàm Thoại Hằng Ngày, Phần 1, A Dinner Invitation, part 1 Mời đi ăn tối ta nghe mấy câu:- Mark invites his friend Debby to have dinner with him: Anh Mark mời bạn là cô Debby đi ăn tối với mình.
- Debby likes Italian food, but Mark thinks it’s too fattening: Debby thích ăn món ăn kiểu Ý, nhưng anh Mark cho là món ăn nhiều chất béo.
- Student Union: toà nhà dùng làm nơi hội, có phòng cho các hoạt động và ăn uống của sinh viên trong khuôn viên đại học.
Xin nghe trước, sau đó nghe rồi lập lại.
Cut 6
Daily Dialogue: A Dinner Invitation: Part 1.Larry: Daily Dialogue: A Dinner Invitation (Part 1)
Mark invites his friend Debby to have dinner with him. Debby likes Italian food, but he thinks it’s too fattening.
Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Mark: Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? (short pause)
Debby: Sure. I’d love to, Mark! (short pause)
Mark: What kind of food do you like? (short pause)
Debby: Oh, I love Italian food! (short pause)
Mark: Uh, Italian food is too fattening. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Mark: Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? (pause for repeat)
Debby: Sure. I’d love to, Mark! (pause for repeat)
Mark: What kind of food do you like? (pause for repeat)
Debby: Oh, I love Italian food! (pause for repeat)
Mark: Uh, Italian food is too fattening. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese Explanation
Phần tới là phần Câu Ðố Trong Tuần, Question of the Week. Quí vị đã nghe ba câu này trong một bài trước. Bây giờ nghe lại câu hỏi và câu giải đáp.Drive a car: lái xe;
start first grade: bắt đầu vào lớp 1 (sau khi học xong lớp mẫu giáo);
retire: về hưu. Most Americans retire when they are about sixty five=phần đông người Mỹ về hưu khi họ được gần 65 tuổi.
Some still work even when they are over 65=một số người vẫn làm việc dẫu đã quá 65 tuổi.
Cut 7
Question of the Week: answerWhen do most people learn to drive a car? When do most children start first grade? When do most people retire?
Larry: Question of the Week!
Max: It’s time to answer last week’s question. The question was: When do they do it? Are you ready to play our game, Kathy?
Kathy: Yes, I am.
Max: OK. Question 1. In the United States, when do most people learn to drive a car?
Kathy: Could you please repeat the question?
Max: At what age do most Americans learn to drive a car?
Kathy: Let’s see. I think… most people learn to drive a car when they are sixteen years old.
Max: That’s right. Most Americans learn to drive when they are sixteen. OK. Here’s your second question. In the United States, when do most children start first grade?
Kathy: Let me think. When do most children start first grade? Most children start first grade when they are five years old.
Max: Not quite. Most children start first grade when they are six years old. Question number 3. In the United States, when do most people retire?
Kathy: At what age do most people retire?
Max: Yes.
Kathy: Boy, that’s hard to say. Some Americans retire when they are pretty young… fifty or fifty five years old. And other people still work when they are seventy or seventy five. But most Americans… I think most Americans retire when they are about sixty five years old.
Max: Yes, that’s right. Most Americans retire when they are sixty five.
Max: You did very well.
Kathy: Thank you. I enjoyed it.
Larry: A Question for You
Max: Now here’s a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: What kinds of food do you like? (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Mmmm. Sounds good!
Kathy: Well, our time is up. So until next time… This is Kathy.
Max: And this is Max.
Kathy: Good luck in your English studies!
Kathy and Max: Good bye.
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