Thursday, 21 January 2016
American English - Audio Course v1.0: Unit 15
A: Tickets . . . tickets, please. May I see your ticket, miss?
B: Yes. Uh, now where did I put it? Just a moment; let me look for it.
A: Sure.
B: In my bag? No. Is it on the seat, the floor? No. Oh, here it is in my pocket!
A: Thank you. Are you going all the way into the city?
B: Yeah, the semester's out and I just took my last exam, so I'm going to go sightseeing in Chicago.
A: Is this your first time riding the train to Chicago?
B: No, this is my second time, but I don't remember much. I came with my parents when I was 3.
A: Well, I'd suggest changing seats. The view's much better over on that side of the train.
B: Thank you, I'll do that.
A: And hold on to your ticket. You might be asked for it again. Have a nice trip.
B: Thanks for your help. Maybe I'll see you again when I come back.
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